It's been about 3 weeks since hurricane Ike hit Galveston and Houston and all the excitement, life is slowly starting to be back to normal...
First, let me just say it has been quite an adventure. I don't know if anyone was prepared on how serious a storm it was going to be. I, fortunately (or unfortunately, whatever your perspective might be) missed all the excitement. I flew home that Thursday before to help my mom pack up their house and move to Maryland.
That Saturday, as we were cleaning and packing we had the news on so we could hear what was going on with the storm. The footage they showed was incredible! Galveston was destroyed! Watching the devastation of Galveston made me begin to wonder about Houston. How were things? How were my friends that lived there? How was my apartment? And my car that I left at the car park at the airport? Well, praise the Lord! that my car was alright when I arrived home! And well, my apartment? Well, here are the pictures of what happened to it... Praise the Lord nothing happened to any my stuff.
So naturally, I had to move out. My friend Christa, who lived in the same complex, lost her roof. So the apartment complex moved us into this beautiful spacious townhome together. It is GREAT! We both feel like we got this amazing upgrade! And it is such a blessing to have a roommate again! So through this storm, God has showered us abundantly with blessings and protection!
1 comment:
Wow! I'm sorry your building was damaged, but I'm so happy to hear everything is taken care of, and your stuff is ok. I miss you, and I'm praying for you my love! :)
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