“God, who had set me apart even from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles." Galatians 1: 15-16
From the end of June to the first two and a half weeks in July, I had the opportunity to travel to Quito, Ecuador. Here is my story....
I came alive in Ecuador! For the first time in a long time, I was truly living from the core of my heart! I was overcome with joy! God has shown me so much during my time in Quito. And I have truly grown to love the people and children there. I have enjoyed serving the Lord with Fundacion Amor y Esperanza, a Christian organization dedicated to reaching the poor of Quito with the Gospel, and meeting their physical, educational, and spiritual needs. I worked for about two weeks at their school for under privilege students and families living in the Carmen Bajo, one of the surrounding projects. I stayed with the school director and his wife and family (Pancho and Pity Zola - an amazing godly couple) and taught the fourth and fifth grade classes songs in English. And for the fifth grade class, I took the story of the "Three Little Pigs" and turned it into a play and taught that to them. For their end of school ceremony, the fourth and fifth grade classes performed their English songs and the fifth graders performed the play for the school and their parents. I was so proud of them! They did so well! I have even got to help the school interview prospective English teachers. After Pancho would interview them, I then interviewed them in English to see how well they spoke and if they would be beneficial to the school. And as the school is a Christian school, it opened up many opportunities to talk about Christ with each of them. (one of the qualifications to teach at the school is that you have to be a believer) And just last Thursday they hired one of the teachers I recommended!
My last week there, we left to go to the Amazon rainforest, and to this city called Baños, where there are a lot of waterfalls (absolutely breathtaking!) and the city sits below this HUGE volcano, so there are a lot of thermal hot springs, which were so relaxing and so well needed after being in the rainforest. It was so much fun! When we got back I helped Pancho put together tour packages for the missions groups. You know, its neat how God provided for this trip and that I was able to use the skills I learned at my old job at Ker & Downey and at my new job as a teacher! God is SO good!
Since I have been back, I have been able to speak at my church's missions fellowship about my trip and even have started the beginning steps of putting together a trip for late June to lead a group from my church! I can't wait to go back again this summer!!!
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