My friend, Michelle, and I went up to my favorite piazza - Piazzale Michelangelo - on our last morning in Florence. This piazza sits right on top of a hill and overlooks the entire city. During my STINT year, I would come up here frequently to spend time with the Lord and to pray over the city....anyways, this recent trip wouldn't have been complete if I didn't go up there and pay it a visit...
Well, while we were up there taking photos of ourselves with the backdrop of beautiful Florence, I noticed someone taking photos...well, really I noticed the man's camera first...I was wishing I had one just like it for my trip. THEN, I noticed who he was taking pictures of! LUCA TONI! One of the star players from the Italy World Cup team!!!
C: "OH MY GOSH! Michelle! Michelle! LOOK! It's Luca Toni!!
M: "WHO???"
C: "He was one of the star players from the Italian World Cup team! We can't leave here until he's done. I have to meet him!"
M: "Ummm...okay..."
Poor Michelle, I made her wait there with me until they were done so I could go up and meet him (talk about a good friend!). As they were walking off, I stopped him, and in my poor Italian began gushing....
C: "Um excuse me, you're Luca Toni!"
LT: (smiling) "Yes.."
C: "You're one of my favorite players! I have seen all of your games! I have your World Cup jersey at home in the states! Would it possible to get a photo with you?"
LT: (at this point smiling and slightly laughing - and probably thinking to himself - crazy little American girl) "Yes, of course!"

Ha ha!